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时间:2024-07-16 16:42:45



初二英语作文 篇1

综合:以“My best friend Tom” 为题写一篇短文,内容要求:语句通顺,在70-80个词左右。1.他比我高,我比他更外向。他在音乐方面有天赋。2.他每天喝牛奶。他每周锻炼两次.每晚他睡9个小时。3.他经常去新华书店,他认为新华书店是我们城镇中最好的书店。4.他喜欢看新闻。 他希望弄清楚世界发生的事情。他总是愿意帮助其他同学。

My best friend Tom

My best friend is Tom. He is taller than me but I’m more outgoing than him. He is talented in music. He drinks milk every day. He exercises twice a week. He sleeps nine hours every night. He often goes to Xinhua Book Store. He thinks Xinhua Book Store is the best book store in our town. He likes to watch the news. Because he hopes to find out what’s going on around the world. He is always ready to help other classmates. All of us like him very much.

初二英语作文 篇2

My deskmate is a girl, her name is Xiao Xue. She has long hair, her pony tail often whips my face when she turns around, but I don’t mind. She likes to wear the white dresses, they make her clean and innocent, which she is. She is very interested in painting, she also won an award in the Painting competition in the city. She is nice to everyone, all the classmates like her very much.


初二英语作文 篇3

The heavy burden can be put down at last! I've been expecting a long winter vacation.

There's a lot of snow outside. The snow covered the whole city: the roof, on the grass, on the windowsill, on the ground...... Everywhere is a piece of white, I even feel like the sky is covered by snow.

In this snowy winter, we will have a happy, happy new year. The new year is a symbol of a year of haste. We are going to face a new year and a new year for us to have a new start. In the new year, we have to grasp the time to study and work. Let this year live a little more.

In this case, I wish you a happy new year and all the best.

初二英语作文 篇4

Our Motherland

Our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world. It has a population of over eleven hundred million. Peking is its capital.

We Chinese people are brave and hardworking. We have a glorious revolutionary tradition. We drove out Japanese invaders and overthrew Kuomingtang government. In 1949 the People's Republic of China was founded. Since then great changes have taken place in our motherland. Now our country is getting stronger and stronger. We Chinese people are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful socialist country.

初二英语作文 篇5

hey say a good friend to share the joys and sorrows.

My friend is a very beautiful girl. We grew up together. Her hair is longer than mine. Her face is thinner than mine. But she wears glasses. We are all tall, she is more outgoing than me. I am more quiet. Because her grades were better than me, so she sometimes will teach me some math, because I play volleyball play better than her, so I also occasionally taught her how to play volleyball. Everyone likes her because she is hot to help others. No matter what difficulties I meet, she will always help me. This is the real hand in the trouble!

I like her very much, because she is my best friend.






初二英语作文 篇6

The proverb "Haste makes waste" means that one may delay the time to complete one thing if he rushes to do it, because he may neglect something important in the process and has to do it again from the beginning. So one should do every step well.

Take remembering English words for example, every student wants to enlarge his vocabulary. But this aim cannot be achieved in one or two days. You should stick to remem bering some words a day and revise the words every few days. In this way you can keep the words in your mind firmly. There is mo shortcut. If you want to stuff all the words into your brain and mot to revise them, you will remember nothing. So don’t be hasty. Haste makes waste.

初二英语作文 篇7

Today, our class held the monitor election. `And I became the new monitor in my class. I was very happy, but I was still very nervous now. When the election began, I was so nervous that I can hear my heart beating heavily. I tried my best to calm down for a long time. Then I went to the platform to begin my prepared speech. I felt my brain was blank when I was having my speech. Before the election, I was confident for this position, but I still so nervous when I was in the platform. Thanks for preparing in advance; otherwise, I must be embarrassed. But the result was what I want. It’s a happy thing.


今天,我们班竞选班长了。`我成为了新的班长。我很高兴,不过我现在仍然很紧张。竞选开始的'时候,我好紧张,我都可以听到我的心怦怦跳了。我努力了很长一 段时间才平静下来。然后我才走向讲台开始我已经准备好的演讲。在演讲的时候,我觉得我的大脑一片空白。在竞选之前,我对这一职位是很有信心,但当我站在讲 台上时还是很紧张。幸好提前准备了;否则,我肯定很难堪。不过结果却是我想要的。这是一件值得开心的事。

初二英语作文 篇8

It's summer. We have a few children, toward nature, to find the summer.

Summer is like a shy little girl, concealed, hiding. We look carefully, find ah

The lotus leaves out from the pond, that's the eyes of the summer.

Know in the trees in the "know" to cried, it is the summer of the sound of it

A tree is full of lush foliage, it is the summer arm it.

Summer really has come, we saw her, we heard her, we touched her, we smell her. She knew, bird mouth smile; in the pomegranate, lotus branches dance.







初二英语作文 篇9

What is success?As we all known, the man who wants to be success should have a good disposition. As the saying goes, “disposition decide to everything.” I remember a famous motto: there are no two identical people in the world, but the success people are similar in many ways. Exactly, good disposition is the foundation of success. From my point of view, I deemed it success should also rely on these factors: diligent, confident, humor. It can help us to open the door of success.

There is no denying that diligent is the first step to the success. As the proverb says, no pains, no gains. Absolutely, guess that a person without diligent, how can he get achievements. Many successful people have become famous in the world by their diligent. Therefore we should take diligence as a good habit rather than lazy at every time.

Edison said “confident is the mother of the success. There is no doubt that confidence is important to our daily life .If someone without confident, he will never succeed in the end of his life. If someone trusted himself, he would gained more chance to succeed. How could you get other’s trust if you didn't trust yourself?

In addition, humor plays an important role in our life. It’s obvious that a sense of humor can bring happiness to others and get involved to a group easily. Just like my friend who is an energetic and lovely boy. The boss and staff like him very much. Boss thinks highly of him in the company. Sometimes, we should learn to how express humorously. A sense of humor can create unexpected result.

From what has been mention above, a good disposition is an important factor to our success. Therefore, how to develop a good disposition is essential.

初二英语作文 篇10

Smile, how warm the word is! it can make anyone happy. and this happiness is from the bottom of heart.

It’s not like enthusiastic laughter, but just warm, makes your heart warm.

Mother’s smile is like a spring wind, so gentle when you are sad, it can make you happy again; when you fail, it can make you stand up and work hard again; when you give up, it can make you try your best again…

Smile, so easy, but also so useful.

So, let’s learn to smile. everyone needs others’ smile. when we give others a smile, we will feel happy, too. and maybe next time, when you need a smile, the person who received your smile will give it to you.

Let’s learn to smile often, i believe it can even make the whole warm. living with a smile, every day will be sunshine.

